Inert gas suppression systems use argon and nitrogen gases and their mixtures as an extinguishing agent and are based in the principle of reducing the oxygen concentration inside the protected hazard. The oxygen concentration is minimized by the application of inert gas until it reaches a level where combustion is no longer supported. Each system is designed so as to decrease oxygen to a specific level. When discharged, inert gas is quickly and uniformly distributed within the enclosure, achieving design concentration in 60 seconds.

Argon and nitrogen it is naturally present in the atmosphere, therefore its green-house effect is nil and its ozone layer depletion potential is zero. It is chemically inert, non-conductive, colourless, odourless and flavourless. inert gas is non-corrosive and may be used at normal temperatures with such materials as nickel, steel, stainless steel, copper, brass, bronze and plastics.

These gases will never be re-classified as “hazardous waste” nor require special inspection procedures under the EU’s “F” Gas Regulations.

Inert gas fire suppression systems are the safe, natural way to extinguish a fire. Because of its unique patented valve assembly, inert gas agent enters the protected room within the industry required 60 seconds but at a steady flow rate — preventing destructive turbulence from occurring. This constant flow rate allows for the use of small-diameter, low pressure (and less expensive) piping from the inert gas container all the way to the nozzle. And, the necessary venting area is much smaller — reducing installation costs by as much as 60% on venting hardware.

Inert gas systems, previously available in 150 and 200 bar cylinders, are now available with 300 bar gaseous fire protection technology. That means more inert gas in each cylinder, reducing the number of cylinders and accessory equipment necessary. In addition to a sizable reduction in system cost, fewer cylinders translates into an inert gas fire protection solution that takes less valuable space.



Gielle offers all the benefits of inert gas systems with several significant design improvements. You’ll find the inert gas systems solution is safer and more economical than any other system on the market.

Most inert gas systems discharge from the storage cylinders at high pressure, and then use pressure reducers further down the pipe network (therefore requiring both high- and low-pressure piping to handle the pressurized inert gasses as it travels to the discharge nozzles). Gielle inert gas systems is different. Our superior cylinder pressure regulator automatically reduces the pressure of the stored inert gasses at discharge.

We provide an ideal discharge pressure and maintain a constant flow rate throughout the system. That means no need for expensive high-pressure piping. With inert gas systems, you can use small-diameter, low-pressure piping from the storage cylinders/manifold all the way to the nozzles, thus lowering your system costs.

Because of the unique pressure regulated valve assembly, the Gielle inert gas systems agent enters the protected room within the required 60 seconds at a steady flow rate, preventing destructive turbulence from occurring.

Therefore, only the amount of inert gas you really need is discharged, and the necessary venting area is much smaller — you can reduce your installation costs by as much as 60% on venting hardware.

Typical applications and hazards protected by inert gas fire suppression:

  • archives and libraries
  • civil and military marine
  • computer rooms
  • control rooms
  • data centers
  • educational institutions
  • electric and electronic applications
  • electrical switch rooms
  • financial centers and banks
  • floating roof tanks protection
  • generators
  • hospitals
  • hot process areas
  • laboratories
  • libraries
  • machinery spaces
  • mass transit
  • medical facilities
  • military installations
  • military storage centres
  • military vehicles
  • museums and art galleries
  • nuclear facilities
  • offices
  • offshore platforms
  • oil & gas facilities
  • pharmaceutical industry
  • power plants
  • telecommunication centers
  • wind turbines

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